
The glad and glorious evangel, proclaiming so great salvation, the forgiveness of sins and gratuitous pardon from an offended God, engages the hearts of all who have known redemption from the bondage of sin. This blessèd message which is entrusted to men, not angels, to propagate, reveals the heart of "God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." 1 Tim.2.3, 4. Therein His love ineffable, His righteousness inscrutable, His grace abounding and His power unlimited are displayed. Its importance is emphasised in that the closing words of Christ, ere He left His disciples to ascend to glory, were the commission, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mk.16.15

It is thus incumbent upon us to preach the gospel, the ‘truth’ in a dark world that is increasingly beguiled by a plethora of false cults and satanic propaganda – may the Lord grant increased evangelical fervour, that at the end of this unprecedented age of grace, we may have the joy of seeing loved ones and neighbours enjoying the superlative blessing of sins forgiven.

It is imperative that the doctrines associated with the gospel are preserved intact as revealed in God’s Word; there must be no distortion, deviation or dilution lest we preach "another gospel: which is not another; …" Gal.1.6, 7

These doctrines are sacred to us, "most surely believed among us." Lk.1.1 and experientially enjoyed by all who love "… the gospel of God; … concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord," Rom.1.1-3.

The contributors to this helpful book are brethren well-known amongst the assemblies and many of them engage frequently in the proclamation of this sublime message. None of them would admit to their treatise as being an exhaustive consideration of the topic but it is our prayer that thereby, younger believers will become more acquainted with the precious doctrines of the gospel and that our love of these wondrous themes will inspire us to worship Him more, in Whose great heart of love they were from all eternity and love Him more, by Whose atoning death God can "be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus." Rom.3.26.

Roy Reynolds, N. Ireland.