
Many of our readers have been edified, instructed and encouraged by the oral and written ministry of our late and dearly beloved brother James M. Flanigan, widely and affectionately known as Jim. His ministry was both devotional and practical; Christ exalting and challenging; technically correct and beautifully communicated. He had the ability to conduct Bible readings in which his understanding of the truth of Scripture and his grasp of original languages were obvious. He could disagree without being disagreeable. He also had a love for young people and it will surprise some to know that he penned the children’s chorus, “25 words in John 3.16”. By his home call, the testimony of believers gathered unto the name of our Lord Jesus has been impoverished and He will be greatly missed. However, we know the Lord makes no mistakes and has been often said, “The Lord takes away His workmen, but He carries on His work”.

Having had many requests from readers of “Assembly Testimony”, to have our brother’s writings in the more permanent and robust form of a book, we thought that such would not only be of great spiritual benefit to the saints, but also be a fitting tribute to this faithful servant of His Lord. We are happy to acknowledge with thanks, the permission and assistance of brother A. J. Higgins, editor of the magazine “Truth and Tidings”, to reprint material from that magazine.

Since these articles were written at different times, over a number of years, it is inevitable that there is some repetition. To edit this out would have resulted in a loss of brother Flanigan’s inimitable style, so, generally, we have published the articles as they were written.

Not all brother Flanigan’s articles have been included in this publication, since much has been included in other books. Random examples of these are: his articles in “A.T.” entitled “Behold Your King” were published in book form by Ritchie; his “Notes on Revelation” were published by Gospel Tract Publications; in “T&T” there was a series on the Song of Solomon, which were largely included in his exposition of the Song of Solomon in “What the Bible Teaches”, published by Ritchie.

The first four chapters are from “AT” and are in the order of the books of the Bible. There follow two chapters from “T&T”, in chronological order, and chapters 7 and 8 are single articles, also in chronological order. The concluding chapter 9 is a collection of shorter articles.

Our thanks is again extended to our panel of proof-readers who labour so diligently to ensure that we send forth another publication of which we need not be ashamed. We are sure that all who read this book will be spiritually enriched.

Brian Currie, N. Ireland, March 2014.