The ongoing and wholehearted welcome of what has become affectionately known as the "Glory" series of books, published by "Assembly Testimony",1 has encouraged us to continue this exercise. We are therefore very pleased to send forth this, the fifth book in the series, and it is our sole desire that the saints of God will be edified as a result. The original concept was to put good, doctrinally sound material into the hands of younger believers who may not have easy access to the array of theological volumes that are available from bookshops. The appreciative feedback suggests that this desire is being fulfilled.
Since two of the former volumes dealt with Biblical teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ and another expounded truth in relation to the Holy Spirit, we felt it was our duty to complete the Tri-unity with a book on the immense subject of God the Father. We often hear ministry on the Person of the Lord Jesus and less frequently on the Person of the Holy Spirit, but it is a rare thing to hear anyone trying to expound the truth of God the Father. Perhaps this is because of the immensity of the task, since God fills eternity working from Himself and for Himself, it is an impossibility to package such a wealth and plethora of truth into a few ministry meetings. We cannot understand God, and if we could He would cease to be God, but we can try to appreciate something of His character, His ways of working and His glory. If we do this we will be led inevitably to fall before Him in worship and adore this inscrutable God Who is the Father of each believer.
There is no claim that this book is by any means an exhaustive treatment of an inexhaustible subject. However, we believe that the truth presented herein will be of immense value as an introduction to the subject.
It is easier to be verbose in the treatment of any subject, than to be concise. A thorough knowledge of the subject is required to achieve both conciseness and completeness. This means special thanks have to be offered to all our authors who have diligently researched the subject, both in the Bible and in the writings of others, and put in hours of study to enable this volume to be sent forth with confidence. Each author is very busy in his own sphere of service and it is an additional time-consuming burden to undertake authorship. Their contributions have been completed uncomplainingly and freely, in the recognition that all is done for His glory and the spiritual advancement of the saints.
The patient skill and hours spent by our brother Roy Reynolds, who has edited the book, have been much appreciated, as has the advice of brother Walter Boyd, who, along with our sister Ruth Nesbitt, have been diligent in proof reading and ensuring consistency in presentation and style. We convey our thanks to these knowing that in a day, not far distant, they will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant" Matt.25.23.
Brian Currie, N. Ireland, September 2010.
1. "Assembly Testimony" is a bi-monthly magazine which is available on request from John Gordon, ‘Elhanan’, 25 The Rowans, Banbridge, Co. Down, BT32 4DQ, N. Ireland. His email address is johngordon-at[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk. Enquiries regarding the availability of the other books may also be directed to him.