We at “Assembly Testimony”1 are privileged to produce another book in what is now widely known as “The Glory Series”. When these books were commenced in 2006, the interest of Christians from all parts of the globe and the very many requests to continue publishing, could never have been anticipated. These books certainly do appear to be meeting a need, and this book is sent forth with our prayers that it will prove to be a worthy addition to the series.
The subject of this book, “The Glory of the Lords Death” has filled volumes. Authors of renown, with great theological knowledge, have put pen to paper seeking to expound this great truth. All Christians will agree that there is no more important truth in Holy Scripture. The fact that it is the Lords death and is central to all Divine purpose means that it is infinite, unlimited and the truth associated with His death will not be exhausted, even to eternity. The more we learn of this truth, the more we discover how little we know. Thus there is no claim that this book is the final word on the matter. We paddle on the shores of an eternal ocean, and if some dear believer is helped to understand more of the truth relating to our beloved Saviour, then this publication will be worthwhile. Also, it may be that the book will find its way into the hands of an unbeliever. We pray that it will be used by the sovereign Spirit of God to bring such to faith in Christ and to an enjoyment of the eternal salvation that we possess.
We once more acknowledge the very willing and diligent labour of our authors. Only those who have been involved in such work really appreciate the immense amount of time and study that is required. This, of necessity, means that family time has to be sacrificed, social engagements curtailed and even the normal maintenance in and around the home may be neglected. We owe a debt to these dear brothers and their supportive families, and with sincere appreciation we thank them in the Lords name. Since no author receives any remuneration, their righteous and commensurate reward awaits them at the judgment seat, an event which is not far distant.
It would be impossible to produce a publication of this quality without our team of hardworking proof readers. Once more we note that the time invested in this task is tremendous. We unhesitatingly and unstintedly acknowledge their diligence and commitment in undertaking this task. They read, reread, sift, correct and make suggestions, all of which are most important activities to ensure that we have a book that is worthy of publication.
As with the former books, we point out that there is an overlapping of material which leads to a certain amount of repetition. This is deemed to be an advantage as it allows truth to be imprinted on the minds of the readers. It is appropriate and proper that we thank all who support this work in practical terms. Without this it would not be possible to continue the publication and free distribution of this series.
So with our prayers for resulting blessing, we put this book into the public arena and trust it will bring glory to the blessed Man Who voluntarily died upon the tree.
Brian Currie, N. Ireland, January 2015.
1“Assembly Testimony” is a bi-monthly magazine which is available on request from John Gordon, Elhanan 25 The Rowans, Banbridge, Co. Down BT32 4DQ, N. Ireland.
His e-mail address is: johngordon-at[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk