It is our privilege, in the goodness of God, to add a tenth book to what has become known as the ‘Glory’ series. The fact that all of these books in this series are still requested by a widely-cast international audience is a great encouragement to us all and a clear confirmation of the appreciation of their value. Translation, in fellowship with our missionary brethren, has also provided the opportunity to further extend the boundaries of their usefulness and for this we are deeply thankful to the Lord. Without His continued faithfulness manifested in so many ways none of these publications would have been possible.
In many ways the subject of this latest book is an appropriate addition. Its contents magnify the uniqueness of the glory of the Saviour and as such ought to find a devoted interest in the heart of every believer. The subject is Christ exalting and comprehensive, extending from the introductory offerings in Genesis to their employment in the days of future millennial glory. Perhaps we are “slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken” and what a joy it would be to hear His voice as He would “expound … in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself” Lk.24.25,27. How precious His exhortation, “Search the scriptures … they are they which testify of Me” Jn.5.39.
We are conscious that many have dealt extensively and thoroughly with this particular subject and readily recognise that regardless of how much has been written it will never be fully expounded; truly “the well is deep” Jn.4.11. Such is the challenge when seeking to handle the inexhaustible. We quickly dismiss any suggestion that this book is a complete treatise on the offerings. Rather, we view it as an additional resource that will help to further stimulate interest in the subject, stir up devotion to the Lord and ultimately produce a greater conformity to Christ in the lives of those that are His.
It is both necessary and appropriate to acknowledge the wholehearted and fervent labour of our authors who have again devoted long hours of study and toil in the secret place. This requires much sacrifice in relation to the competing pressures of life and we fully recognise that their contributions would not be possible without the support of understanding wives and families. To them we convey our deep gratitude knowing that the Lord Himself will accurately compensate in the soon coming day of review.
This and the previous publications would not have been possible without the invaluable contribution of our dedicated team of proofreaders. Their time spent in this way is extensive and we warmly acknowledge their commitment and diligence. Reading, re-reading, checking references, correcting and suggesting improvements require specialised skills that are so essential in arriving at a book fit for publication.
It is inevitable, as was the case with former books, that there is a degree of overlap with some of the material covered. There is no need to apologise for the restating of precious truth.
In producing the ‘Glory’ books, each author is allocated the subject of his chapter, and is invited to develop that subject, according to his exercise and style, and presenting his understanding of the Scripture passages being considered. With there being a variety of writers, it is inevitable that there will be differing viewpoints, and not least so when it comes to subjects in which there are variations in interpretations, even among good and dearly beloved brethren. Thus, the reader will find differences between authors’ views, both within this book and between what is written in this book and previous books in the ‘Glory’ series. As with all that we read, each one of us is responsible to test everything in the light of the Scriptures of truth, which are the only sure guide in all matters.
It is also appropriate to convey our appreciation to all who support this work in one way or another. All of this allows these books to be published and distributed without charge. To God be the glory!
In putting this latest book into the public arena it is our prayer and exercise that the Lord Himself will be much honoured and glorified and His people richly blessed.
Jack Palmer, N. Ireland, April 2018
- * ‘Assembly Testimony’ is a bi-monthly magazine which is available on request from:
John Gordon, ‘Elhanan’, 25 The Rowans, Banbridge, Co. Down, BT32 4DQ, N. Ireland.
His e-mail address is: johngordon-at[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk