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The value of godly women is incalculable. God’s Word says of the virtuous woman that “her price is far above rubies” Prov.31.10. Peter reminds us that a woman’s adornment of “a meek and quiet spirit … is in the sight of God of great price” 1Pet.3.4. Their prayers, their piety, their pattern and their presence, at home, in the assembly and in the world, are invaluable. Martin Luther said, “Earth has nothing more tender than a woman’s heart when it is the abode of piety.” It has been said that when God raises up a man, he influences his own generation; but when God raises up a woman, she influences the next generation.

Contrary to widespread misconception, the Bible elevates the status of women; highlights the need and desirability of virtuous womanhood and the ennobling influence and blessing they bring. In days of declining moral standards and increasingly vociferous challenges to the authority of God’s Word, the need for women of this calibre was never so great. They can, to an extent men cannot, by their dress and deportment, commend visibly Christian testimony and in so doing, often incur the ridicule and derision of an ungodly world.

In this, the seventh volume in the “Glory” series, the authors draw attention to those radiant examples of godly womanhood who are found, thankfully, in every age. Names like Sarah, Ruth, Abigail, Esther, Priscilla, Phebe and Mary readily come to mind; filling a niche for God, meekly and unostentatiously, for His glory.

Again we express hearty thanks to our brethren who have made many sacrifices to communicate to us the ministry they have gleaned after many hours of diligent study of the Word of God. We are convinced that the truth conveyed in this volume is most relevant in these days and it is our prayer that all who read the book will benefit from the shining example of godly women, in their dignity, diligence and devotion.

Roy Reynolds, N. Ireland, January 2013