
Several years ago, I wrote a series of seven articles entitled, ‘Pondering Philemon’. These were published in the ‘Assembly Testimony’ magazine from September/October 2014 to September/October 2015. I was exercised to follow this up with articles on the four other Bible books that contain only one chapter, so, a few years later, ‘Outline of Obadiah’ was submitted, closely followed by writings on Second John, Third John, and Jude.

If these latter articles had appeared, as originally proposed, in the magazine, it would have taken at least four years for them to run their course, even if they had appeared continuously, without interruption between the series. In light of this, it was the mind of the ‘Assembly Testimony’ Committee that these writings should be made available to readers sooner. So it was decided that, rather than being put in the magazine, they should appear as a book, comprising the previously-published work on Philemon, along with the material on the four remaining books. When this suggestion was put to me, I was happy to accede to it. This production is the result, and we bless God for bringing it to this point.

It is with thankfulness that I place on record here my appreciation of all those believers whose work, generosity and encouragement have enabled this book to be produced. Very especially, I desire to express my gratitude to my wife, Ethel. Over the years of service for the Lord, whether in my study of the Scriptures; or in preparing for and conducting gospel meetings, ministry meetings and Bible readings; or in writing and editing articles such as those included in this current volume; or in whatever activity, she has given me her loyal and untiring support. To her, I am deeply indebted.

Above all, we thank our God for His precious, infallible Word, in which He has revealed Himself to us; told us the way of salvation through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; and given us the counsel and instruction that we need to live in faithfulness to Himself until He takes us home to heaven. It is my prayer, and that of all those involved in ‘Assembly Testimony’, that this publication will be to the glory of God and used by Him in the upbuilding of His people.

“Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling,
and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory
with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour,
be glory and majesty, dominion and power,
both now and ever. Amen”
            Jude 24,25.

Brian Currie, N. Ireland, October 2023